In our second Stage Chemistry unit, we learned about how different motion happens on the stage and the safety protocols to help accomplish them. This required not only looking at what happens on stage but also above and under the stage. We went to see A Christmas Carol at the Goodman Theatre. Then for our second action project we were to build a model of out own theaters that we made blueprints of in unit one (
see here), for our own performance of A Christmas Carol. We also had to design two pieces of motion for the performance and safety protocols for them. I’m proud of both of the motion pieces I made because they required me to think more, so I was proud when I succeeded to make the models of them.
AG Empty Room (2014) |
AG Room With Movement (2014) |
On the top is an image of the room and stage area alone; on the bottom is an image of the room with all the different parts.
AG Deck Gif (2014) |
The moving deck is to show a setting. On it will be Scrooge’s house which is used in many scenes. It will be similar to the Goodman Theatre’s version of Scrooge’s house, where the left side shows the outside of the house, and the right part it Scrooge’s bedroom. However, it will be decorated differently. The deck will be towards the back of the stage so when it isn’t being used, a screen with different scenery painted on can be put in front of it.
AG Deck Warning (2014) |
The Safety Protocols for the Moving Deck are:
- If you are near the track (while it is still) be careful not to get anything stuck in it
- Watch deck while pushing controls so that not to make it move while someone is in front of it
- Be careful not to fall off deck
- The deck is set to not go fast - do not try to change the speed
- There will be an emergency button to kill the engine - be aware of how to use it
The deck is mechanical and has a motor to make it move. There will be a control in the backstage area so someone has the power to make it move back and fourth. The control will have a safety warning on the back as well.
AG Force Calculations (2014) |
The deck will need to hold three people at most, with the expectation of around 550 lbs maximum, so it will be designed to hold twice that, 1100 lbs.
AG Bottom of Deck (2014) |
AG Deck With Track (2014) |
AG Deck In Trap (2014) |
The model of the moving deck has two cut popsicle sticks on the back side. One on the left the other on the right. They stick out about a centimeter. In real life these are called the knives. On the model, those sticks insert into a slit in the stage model which represents the track. This is what keeps the deck in place and from going too far.
AG Divider Gif (2014) |
The dividers have two main purposes. The first is that they hide off the area that isn’t considered the stage, which provides for a backstage area. The second purpose is it works as a curtain. If you pull the divider out, it hides the stage area just like a curtain would. It won’t be done mechanically; someone will pull it out themselves.
AG Divider Warning (2014) |
The Safety Protocols for the Dividers are:
- Watch your fingers
- Be careful where you are rolling the dividers
- Be careful not to knock dividers over since they are light
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