
Friday, May 27, 2016

Help the Prisoners

For my external credits, I did some work at a law firm for my aunt and one of her coworkers. To give some background before I explain what I did, my aunt had a case during which some of her clients missing files were found in the basement of a police station. Along with her clients files, there were hundreds of other peoples. These files contained information that was withheld from them and their attorneys during the time of their trials, and could potentially prove their innocence. After finding all these missing files, my aunt decided to contact every person whose file was found. She sent a letter to each prisoner. One of the things the letter explained was that the courts ordered her to not give any of these prisoners their files, the only way they can have access to them is if they have their own lawyers contact her. The problem with that being that the majority of these prisoners no longer have lawyers and aren't able to contact any. In response to her letter she received hundreds of responses, not only from the people she wrote to, but from other prisoners who heard what she was doing.

You've Got Mail . 11.30.15 . Web: 5.27.16

What I did for my aunt over a couple months, was went through all the letters and figured out who was writing to her and why. I summarized each letter for her, and had them in categories: who she wrote to, who she did not write to, who she wrote to about a different topic, and who she did not write to but their letter made it seem as though she had. Once we got through that bunch of letters we created 3 different generalized response letters, answering the questions many of the prisoners had, and explaining the situation. After that the work consisted mainly of folding the papers, fitting them into envelopes, stamping them, and mailing them. With some hours left to go, I returned almost two months later, to go through some new responses she received, and basically restart the process with the new letters. I learned to be more open minded from this experience, so many people had very interesting stories where they spoke of many unjust things that happened to them. It showed me that even though people assume everyone in prison did something horrible, it reminded me that that is not necessarily true for many people. I think I really made a difference with this, because I was helping people whose form of living was at stake. I was helping them with a process that could potentially free them from a hell on Earth. When I volunteer in the future I plan to keep this open-minded mentality, I think that is a very important quality to have in life and especially while doing service for others. This experience is one that I want people to know about, because it is such a crazy situation. Police are breaking laws and not enough people are paying attention, and I plan to do everything I can to educate those people, and tell them about this situation along with many others.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Night Time Snacks

For our final STEAM unit, Pitch in Entrepreneurship, we researched all the skills needed to pitch or sell your business. We started out with 15 second pitches, later made 30 second pitches, and finally for our action project made 3-4 minute pitches, that covered all the important facts an investor would need to know about our businesses. This unit was fun, because it was taking all of the work we did in the first two units, and combining it into a video. I'm proud of my video because I did a lot of extra editing, which was challenging for me, but I really liked the final result and think it was more than worth it.

“What? Like it’s hard?”

For our final Humanities unit, Apotheosis in Endurance, we studied what it really means to fully dive into your journey, and what post-katabasis life looks like. In this unit we investigated the endurance of survivors, and we used their wisdom as inspiration for our own lives. For our action project, we were assigned to write a survival guide, which is our way of sharing knowledge once we reached apotheosis. I found this project difficult because I was, for once, at a loss for what to say, but I'm proud of myself for completing the project and all of it's components.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Yummy Business

For our second action project in our Entrepreneurship class we took all the information we learned in the first unit and applied it to the real world. We looked at many examples and then made it more personalized by either creating our own business or working on an existing one. I chose to look into Insomnia Cookies and make many improvements. We then had to each create a business plan for those businesses, as our action project. The project was pretty difficult but I'm proud of all the work I did and that I completed it.

Endure the Contour

For our second unit of Endurance, Katabasis, we got to dive more into our missions. Throughout the unit we studied different endurers journeys and used them as inspirations for our own. We then began to pursue those journeys. We learned how to turn our visions into missions, start our journeys, and document them. For our action project we were assigned to do just that. We each chose a mission and spent 12 hours doing and documenting our process. Doing something repeatedly for 12 hours was challenging at times but I'm proud of myself for following through and doing what I set out to do.

My mission was to learn to contour, with the guiding question: what is the best contouring technique for my face? Looking back on this experience I'm really glad I had this project as motivation to try something I've been wanting to try for about a year. I'm someone who really enjoys makeup and use it as my creative outlet on a daily basis. I saw many contouring videos and images and thought it was something really beautiful and interesting but never personally got around to trying it. It's something that looked very simple but  I knew wouldn't be, so I put it off to the side and never tried it. So when this assignment was given to us I saw it as the perfect opportunity to finally give it a shot. Doing the project was really fun but very time consuming --obviously. It also took a while to find the technique that was best for me. You have to find the best brand, the best blending technique, the best tools for the blending. All of that sounds easy, but it isn't something you can just figure out on the spot. You need to try again and again before you find the thing that works best for you. I'm really glad I did this project for 12 hours though, because now I have a new skill that I enjoy using. I plan to expand my contouring knowledge in the future and learn more tips in order to get better, but for now I am more than satisfied with what I've learned.